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  1. Inspiring stories and insights to transform the way you pray Learn More
  2. Five Dynamics of Leadership that can change the world. Learn More
  3. and other stories of the Lubavitcher Rebbe Learn More
  4. Torah-Based Psychotherapy and Tools for Growth and Healing Learn More
  5. From the Appalachian backwoods comes a family so amazing, a story so incredible, and a light so bright — it will illuminate our own lives as well.When Sheryl Youngs married John Massey, she looked forward to a life based on the Biblical principles her parents, members of a small but fervently religious congregation, had instilled in her.What she didn't expect was to be making that life in a shack on a mountain in impoverished Appalachia.And she didn't expect that she would end up living on that mountain, homeschooling her ten children.And she most certainly didn't expect that somehow, incredibly, miraculously, she and her entire family would discover the truth of Judaism, the beauty of Torah - and the Jewish People the entire family would ultimately come to join.This is the story of the pastor's daughter who became a Jew, mother of ten Jews, all devoted to Torah learning and mitzvah observance. It is a story of struggle and search, of searing disappointment and unlooked for hopes, of questions asked and prayers answered.Most of all, it is the story, told in her own words, of a woman whose deep love Torah is an inspiration to us all. Learn More
  6. A child survives drowning, not by one miracle, but by many... A lost pair of gloves brings about an unbelievable reunion between father and son... A soldier saves his comrade's life, and decades later his comrade returns the favor...When it's dark outside, what we need is something to illuminate our surroundings, to light our way. Sometimes just a spark will do - a spark to shine through blackness. Rabbi Binyomin Pruzansky's true stories are the sparks that shine in our lives.These stories are written with warmth and emotion. They are stories that bring a glow to our world, that remind us that there is One who is in charge and there is meaning in even the smallest events. They are the sparks that melt away despair, that bring a smile to our lips and comfort and happiness to our hearts.Having a tough day? Try the story of the "Little RIF" and see that there can be happy endings to the most difficult situations. Want to smile? Read about Joe, who came to Israel to "say goodbye to G-d" and instead learned to say "hello."You know the relief you feel when you walk into a dark room, flip a switch and the room is flooded with light? Pick up this book - and your life will feel the same way. Learn More
  7. Culled From JEM's acclaimed My Encounter with the Rebbe interviews, Seeds of Wisdom is a heartwarming collection of short stories and encounters between the Lubavitcher Rebbe and people who sought his counsel on a wide array of life's questions and challenges.

    Contained within these exchanges are profound life-lessons in relationships, parenting, leadership, faith, and personal well-being.

    This little book of wisdom has the power to enrich your life and help effect personal growth and meaningful living. Learn More

  8. Anatomy Of The Soul
    One of the most important contributions of Chasidut to Judaism has been in the realm of psychology. Chasidic teachings interpret and apply the myriad Kabbalistic metaphors to the realm of the human psyche and soul. Yet, for all the expansive analyses and discussion of the human psyche produced by the Chasidic masters (specifically the Rebbes of Chabad-Lubavitch), there has been a pronounced lack of an ordered and modern review of the psyche. In the early years of the 20th century, Dr. Fischel Schneersohn, a colleague of Sigmund Freud and a relative of the then Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Shalom Dov Ber Schneersohn, took it upon himself to translate the Chasidic nomenclature and discourse on the psyche into scientific language that would be useful to the modern psychologist. Unfortunately, for whatever the reasons may be, his yearning to share the Torah’s wisdom on the psyche was not to be fulfilled. Since then, the need for introducing these teachings to the public in general and to the professional field of psychologists has only grown.

    This book is an important contribution to the creation of psychology and therapeutic techniques based purely on the Divine wisdom of the Torah and specifically its inner dimensions of Kabbalah and Chassidut. By offering a structured review and explanation of the psyche and its place in the larger and more complex super-structure of the soul, this volume provides a foundational guide for mental and spiritual health practitioners as well as for those wishing to deepen their understanding of Kabbalah and Chassidut. Learn More

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