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  1. Rosh Hashanah With Bina, Benny, And Chaggai Hayonah Learn More
  2. Yom Kippur With Bina, Benny, And Chaggai Hayonah Learn More
  3. Slichos Chabad - סליחות גדול חב"ד Learn More
  4. A tactile Tishrei guide for toddlers.

    Warmly illustrated holiday scenes include a sticky honey pot, a bumpy etrog, a soft Torah cover, and more that invite hands-on exploration. Printed on tear- and tooth-proof glossy board. Learn More

  5. Twerski on Machzor, Rosh Hashanah

    The Rosh Hashanah prayer service. So many hours. So many prayers. Here's one way to make them more meaningful to us.

    Twerski on Machzor Imagine having a wise, experienced, compassionate friend sitting next to you as you pray on Rosh Hashanah, quietly sharing insights and inspirational stories to help you get the most out of the prayer experience. You can. His name is Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski MD. And he's here with you, in Twerski on Machzor, to help you discover the depth and meaning of the Rosh Hashanah Machzor.

    Through stories and explanations, we begin to learn so many things about Rosh Hashanah and its prayers:

    How can we relate to Hashem as our King?

    As our Father? As both at the same time?

    Why does the word tefillah mean so much than merely a prayer?

    Why do we eat symbolic foods on Rosh Hashanah; aren't our prayers enough?

    What is the highest honor a person can attain? And why do we try to attain it on Rosh Hashanah?

    World-renowned psychiatrist, bestselling author, and beloved rav, Rabbi Dr. Twerski has been guiding us for decades. And now, with Twerski on Machzor, we can take him to synagogue with us on Rosh Hashanah, to ensure a meaningful prayer experience - and a very happy new year. Learn More

  6. Yomim Noraim Companion

    A major court case is approaching...

    Our very lives are hanging in the balance...

    We must prepare our defense...

    Two books in one, this inspirational book provides ideas for preparing for the upcoming year. Section One contains ten essays with ideas to merit rachamim on Yom HaDin, and Section Two examines the meaning behind the eight mothers mentioned on Rosh Hashanah. Learn More

  7. Twerski on Machzor, Yom Kippur

    In Twerski on Machzor, bestselling and beloved author Rabbi Abraham Twerski, M.D., helps us make Yom Kippur and, particularly, the many hours spent in prayer on this awesome day, more meaningful and transformative. With his trademark blend of psychological insights, Torah perspectives, and uplifting stories, Rabbi Twerski encourages us to make the most of the opportunity afforded by Erev Yom Kippur and, of course, the prayers of Yom Kippur itself.

    From the hushed moments before the chazzan chants Kol Nidrei to the final shofar blast, Yom Kippur gives us a chance to begin anew, to improve ourselves, to look within, and to connect with our Creator. Twerski on Machzor will help us utilize every moment of this most sacred of days. Learn More

  8. If you were a baker

    With an apron and hat,

    A mixing bowl and blender,

    And much more than that…

    …then what would you bake for each Yom Tov?

    Children often associate the Jewish holidays with each one’s own unique foods, whether it’s honey cake for Rosh Hashanah, hamantaschen for Purim, matzah for Pesach, or cheesecake for Shavuos. In Yom Tov Yummies, your child will be taken on a mouth-watering trip around the year, as he or she meets up with the various symbolic foods of each Yom Tov—in one very special bakery! Learn More

  9. Time to Start a Brand New Year
    In this bright and fun-filled picture book, a lively family enjoys all the wonderful Rosh Hashanah mitzvos, foods, and activities that celebrate the start of a brand new year.

    To prepare for the holiday, they pick apples, harvest honey, send out New Year’s cards, and bake raisin challah!

    Once Rosh Hashanah arrives, they eat special foods, listen to the sound of the shofar, and walk to the river for Tashlich.

    Bold, colorful illustrations capture the joy and fun as everyone participates!

    The playful rhymes will have young children chanting along in no time:

    Rosh Hashanah’s almost here,

    Time to start a brand new year!”

    Ages 2-5 Learn More

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