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  1. What do matzah bakers do? Let’s spend some time at a matzah bakery and watch how bakers make matzos.

    Our Community is a series with authentic photographs, written in question-and-answer format. Children will be fascinated to read about and identify with the helpers found in Jewish communities.

    Level M / Grade 2-3 Learn More

  2. A great Pesach book for little ones!

    This delightful book will excite your child about the wonderful mitzvah of matzah that comes just once a year! Learn More

  3. The period between Pesach and Shavuos comes with the customs and sadness of mourning and the joyful halachos of counting S’firas Ho’Omer. In this book, Rabbi Meyer Bodner adapts the style and clarity of his distinguished father’s widely circulated sefarim (Halachos of Muktza, Halachos of Brochos, etc.) to elucidate the practical need-to know customs and halachos of S’firas Ho’Omer.

    For example:

    • May one attend and dance at a friend’s wedding and Sheva Brochos on days when it is his custom to show aveilus?
    • Is it permitted to listen to relaxing music when it is his custom to show aveilus?
    • May a women cut her nails, tweeze her eyebrows or have electrolysis done while keeping the customary aveilus?
    • Is it permitted to take a haircut or shave on the first day of Shloshes Yemei Hagbola?
    • May a bar mitzvah celebration be scheduled on a day other than the boy’s birthday (not bo b’yom)?
    • If one mistakenly counted the days but omitted the weeks, or cannot remember if yesterday he counted correctly, may he continue counting with a brocha?
    • May a woman count with a brocha and may she be motzi her friend?

    Reviewed for halachic accuracy by Rabbi Shmuel Felder shlit”a and edited and reviewed by Rabbi Yisroel Pinchos Bodner shlit”a, this sefer accurately provides the answer to these and a myriad of other questions and quandaries concerning the customs and halachos of S’firas Ho’Omer. Learn More

  4. The Laws of Pesach 5784-2024 - Blumenkrantz Learn More
  5. Embark on a captivating journey alongside Levi and his classmates as they go on an exciting trip to the Matzah bakery.

    Brace yourself for a delightful experience as they delve into the ago-old tradition of Matzah baking. Learn More

  6. The Berger kids are looking forward to a fun-filled Sukkos at Bubby and Zaidy’s house. But they’re shocked by what happens next. Suddenly...Rivka is quick as a deer. Eliyahu is strong as a lion. Chaim flies like an eagle. And little Leba is bold as a leopard...although that’s not much of a change. Leba has always been bold.

    Join an unforgettable adventure as the Berger kids fight off a gang of bandits using their amazing new superpowers.

    The first book in an entertaining new series by award-winning author Bashie Lisker

    Level Q / Grade 4 Learn More

  7. Beautiful, carefully designed illustrations elucidate otherwise complex subjects, allowing readers to better grasp the forgiveness of Yom Kippur in a visual way.

    The Yom Kippur story goes back in time to the birth of the Jewish Nation and the Giving of the Torah. Trouble began when the new nation thought their leader Moshe was gone. They were quickly convinced that worshiping a golden calf would keep them safe in the desert. They forgot what they had just heard at Har Sinai: not to worship anything besides Hashem. Moshe’s shocking action upon his return helped them realize their terrible mistake. But was it already too late to save the Jewish People? This captivating book retells how Moshe and the Jewish Nation were able to turn things around. Their sincere efforts to return to Hashem gave us the holiday of Yom Kippur forever, and the power to always make our connection to the One Above even better than before!

    This story is followed by a 23-page supplement, “How To Celebrate” which sheds light on the laws and customs of the holiest day on the Jewish calendar. Thoughtful illustrations clarify details of how to prepare for and observe this momentous day. Discover the meaning behind our traditions and enhance the way you celebrate Yom Kippur. Learn More

  8. How is cheese made? Follow its amazing journey from cow’s milk to the delicious cheese we enjoy on Shavuos.

    Level N / Grade 3 Learn More

  9. "We gather together, on this night, to commemorate our exodus from Egypt into Hashem's embrace, thus becoming His nation and His servants till the end of time. We discuss, in detail, all the suffering that we endured in Mitzrayim, all the miracles Hashem did, and all the gratitude we have to Him for doing all this for us. We are expected to get into such detail that we can actually experience it ourselves, on this night, as if it were all happening to us, and to reach the level of joy and gratitude that the Jewish people had at the time of our exodus. This is supposed to bring us to a heightened level of emunah that will infuse our service of Hashem throughout the year. "…Therefore, I have written this Sefer, to serve as an emunah primer for the Haggadah. To make the concepts of emunah readily available so that those leading the seder on this night can easily access them and share them with their family, which will inspire ourselves and, in turn, our children, in the joy of being a Yid."

    - Excerpt from Introduction

    "The thrust of this commentary is to show how the basic theme of the Seder night is to show our emunah in, and our gratitude to, Hashem for our physical and spiritual redemption. Every section of the Haggadah is elaborated on in this manner, and at the end of each section a short, to-the-point synopsis of the commentary is presented, to guide one's fulfillment of the mitzvah of Sippur Yetzias Mitzrayim "On This Night".

    Rabbi Zev Leff Shlit"a

    "... Great and important to add clarity in the foundations of emunah in a way that can be easily taken to heart... Cannot overemphasize the importance of strengthening these matters of emunah…"

    Rav Chaim Stein Zt"l

    "…To bring benefit to Jewish homes about the great value of this night of yetzias Mitzrayim."

    Rabbi Noson Tzvi Finkel Zt"l

    " I am certain that those who read it will have spiritual pleasure and a bright light in understanding the words of the author of the Haggadah."

    Rabbi Gabriel Cohen Shlit"a

    Learn More

  10. The Haggadah - Paperback
    The complete Haggadah in Hebrew and English, complete with simple instructions, guides and a host of Haggadah insights to make your Passover seder meaningful, fun and uplifting for you and all your guests.

    This Haggadah introduces a new accessible translation that makes the seder come alive, explaining each step in simple and relatable terms. The Haggadah also offers tips for leading a seder to make sure everyone at your table gets involved and enjoys the experience.

    Features original and engaging art to help the seder come alive along with visual icons to help direct the reader on the most important instructions.

    The Haggadah was created by the team based on years of experience in creating and providing thought-provoking content that engages and brings people together. Learn More

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