High Holidays

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  1. H/E Rosh Hashana Machzor "NEW Annodated Edition" Learn More
  2. H/E Yom Kippur Machzor - New Annotated Edition Learn More
  3. These forty seven discourses on the Jewish Festivals give an overview of the primary concepts of Chabad Chasidus and address the dynamics of a Jew`s relationship with G-d, community, and himself. A satisfying compendium of profound subjects carefully and clearly elucidated by a master writer and teacher. Learn More
  4. The Laws and Customs of Rosh Hashanah

    The study of Shulchan Aruch at times is very challenging in terms of clarifying the ‎final stance of the learned subject. This especially applies in instances that many cases ‎and opinions exist within a given topic. In addition, throughout the generations ‎hundreds of practical questions on the laws in Shulchan Aruch arose. Getting a proper ‎grasp on the laws of Rosh Hashanah especially faces this challenge due to the ‎hundreds of customs that came in later generations and have not been recorded in the ‎Shulchan Aruch. Even amongst the currently available English literature, the opinion ‎of the greatest of the Achronim, the Shulchan Aruch Harav, is many times omitted or ‎not given its proper presence. Likewise the Chabad custom related to Elul and Rosh ‎Hashanah are not given their proper presence. This Sefer tackles all the above ‎deficiencies. A clear summary of the rulings of Shulchan Aruch Harav together with ‎hundreds of practical Q&A that were compiled from classical Halachic sources. All ‎this is compiled with an emphasis of the Chabad custom and informative footnotes ‎that lend the reader background information and other opinions voiced on the subject ‎matter. ‎ Learn More

  5. Insights, stories, and teachings from the treasure-trove of maggid Harav Yaakov Galinsky, zt"l

    For decades, Rav Yaakov Galinsky fulfilled the directive of the Steipler, Rav Yaakov Yisrael Kanievsky, zt”l, whom he knew in the Novardok yeshivah in Bialystok. "Reb Yaakov, the Steipler advised, "zolst zogen un zogen un zogen. You need to speak and speak and speak.”

    Rav Galinsky delivered thousands of drashosin the halls of yeshivos and batei midrash, and before huge audiences, both religious and nonreligious. He is responsible for bringing many, many people closer to Hashem. Now these drashos are accessible in print to the English-speaking audience.

    In this volume, Rav Galinsky goes through each viduy confession, one by one, and through his stories and lessons from the Torah and Chazal, he explains how each one applies to us. Besides his insightful explanations of the vidui, here you will find stories and lessons on the mitzvos of Yom Kippur itself, on the order of the service in the tefillah, on sefer Yonah and Ne’ilah, as well as derashos on Sukkos, the arba’ah minim, the simchas beis hasho’eivah, the ushpizin, Hoshana Rabbah, and Simchas Torah.

    With his unique, penetrating style — with stories and parables, life lessons and maxims, pesukim and ma’amarei Chazal — he topples the defensive walls we’ve built around ourselves. He shows us who we are, and who we could be, if we only allow it. Learn More

  6. Fascinating halachic discussions for the Yom Tov table

    You love it at your Shabbos table. 
    Now you can enjoy What If? on all the Jewish holidays!

    • It is Rosh Hashanah. A man holding a shofar is going to blow for a sick friend. A car pulls up and the driver says, “I'm Jewish. Would you mind blowing that shofar for me?Should he blow the shofar while yom tov is clearly being desecrated
    • Boaz built a huge succah for his restaurant - and now patrons of other kosher eateries are using it, and his own customers have to wait. Can he ask the others to leave?
    • A pre-Pesach food drive is hurting local groceries. Can the merchants demand that the food distribution be stopped?

    The bestselling and beloved What If? series has become a welcome staple at our Shabbos tables. Based on the popular Hebrew-language series Chashukei Chemed, written by noted rav and posek Rav Yitzchok Zilberstein shlita, and translated and arranged by Rabbi Moshe Sherrow, every volume in the What If? series includes hundreds of real-life halachic questions, each accompanied by a brief, practical scenario to illustrate the case, and an answer that is understandable and easy to follow. Make your holiday table extra-special with the great conversation starter, What If on Yamim Tovim.

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  7. When understood properly, the Jewish holidays are inspirational, joyous, and profound. This monumental book contains nearly a thousand concise insights into all the Torah and Rabbinic festivals, as well as sections on the Days of Awe, the Three Weeks, and Tishah B'Av, compiled by renowned Rosh Kollel and talmid chacham Rabbi Binyamin Wurzburger. The author has drawn from his immense breadth of knowledge to provide the reader with a treasury of original ideas of the great commentators throughout the ages. Extensively sourced, the book is a fascinating and eclectic collection of concepts culled from lesser-known commentaries.With this comprehensive anthology of Yom Tov thoughts - many presented to the English-speaking reader for the first time - both scholars and laymen can indeed celebrate "A Festival of Torah." Learn More
  8. Stories and Insights to Delight and Inspire
    • What strategies can we use to be judged favorably on Rosh Hashanah?
    • What happens in the Heavenly Court on the Days of Judgment?
    • What powerful lessons can be learned from the mitzvah of shofar?
    • What is the eternal significance of Akeidas Yitzchak?

    These are some of the questions addressed by Rav Shlomo Levenstein an acclaimed and highly popular lecturer and confidant of our generation's Torah leaders.

    Culled from the bestselling Hebrew series U'Masok Ha'Ohr, the contents of this book are guaranteed to transform your experience during the Season of Repentance Learn More
  9. Yamim Noraim with the Maggid, Elevating stories & insights from Elul through Yom Kippur

    Rabbi Paysach Krohn has been inspiring us for close to four decades, through his brilliant speeches and his beloved, bestselling books. Now, the famed “American Maggid” shows us how to take advantage of the infinite spiritual opportunities in the days between Rosh Chodesh Elul and Yom Kippur.

    In Yamim Noraim with the Maggid, Rabbi Krohn shares brief but powerful ideas culled from a large variety of Torah sources. And, of course, he brings those ideas to life through stories and parables told in his inimitable style.

    • An Israeli Air Force pilot fights to keep his plane from crashing ... and learns a lesson in emunah.
    • Why did the famed Ronnie Greenwald buy an extra bus ticket every week ... and what can we all learn from his actions?
    • How did the words “I’m sorry” lead to a wonderful shidduch?

    Yamim Noraim with the Maggid includes fascinating insights into the month of Elul, Selichos, Rosh Hashanah, Tzom Gedaliah, Aseres Yemei Teshuvah, and Yom Kippur, as well as commentary on select portions of the Machzor.

    In generations past, maggidim traveled from place to place during this period, inspiring listeners to higher spiritual accomplishment. Like those maggidim of old, in Yamim Noraim with the Maggid Rabbi Krohn guides us, filling us with hope for the blessings of a new year and confidence in our power to return to Hashem and realize our vast potential for greatness. Learn More

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