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  1. In Reb Reuven Feinstein on the Haggadah, Rav Sholom Reuven Feinstein, shlit”a, the esteemed and beloved Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva of Staten Island, guides us through the Seder. Indeed, as we enjoy this Haggadah masterpiece, we begin to actually feel that we are sitting with the Rosh Yeshiva at his Seder table. We gain a fresh perspective on the familiar text, enjoying Reb Reuven’s clarity and originality, his insights and wisdom, as well as fascinating firsthand experiences and stories.

    Bullet points introduce each of the divrei Torah, providing a clear, enlightening outline; and a special section on minhagim interspersed throughout provides a glimpse into the customs of the Rosh HaYeshiva and his father, the posek hador, HaGaon HaRav Moshe Feinstein ztvk”l.

    With a commentary that offers a unique blend of historical context, halachic analysis, and spiritual reflection, this Haggadah, masterfully written by Reb Reuven’s grandson, Rabbi Avrohom Meir Weiss, is a most unique Seder companion.

    Reb Reuven Feinstein on the Haggadah will enrich your Seder — and immeasurably enhance your Yom Tov as well! Learn More

  2. Reb Meilech Biderman has touched all of Klal Yisrael with his messages of chizuk, bringing us uplift and hope, filling us with confidence that we can make good things better.

    Now, Reb Meilech on the Haggadah, written by bestselling author Yisroel Besser, brings his message of emunah and hope to our Seder table.

    Reb Meilech will enliven our Seder as only he can, with beautiful divrei Torah, delightful stories, and wise insights. This Haggadah will fill your home with Reb Meilech’s unique brand of simchah, the happiness of being part of Klal Yisrael, the joy of becoming aware of Hashem’s gifts all around, and the delight of knowing how much our Creator loves us and takes pleasure in all the good things we do. Learn More

  3. The night of the Seder is one of the oldest and most cherished Mitzvos amongst world Jewry. There is no greater proof for this than the thousands of editions of Hagadah’s which exist and have been printed throughout the ages. Many Rabbis and sects publish their own edition of Hagadah’s to be used by their followers, so no custom be unknown or overlooked. Famously, the Rebbe published his own Hagaddah with a scholarly encyclopedic commentary. All in all, however, all these editions are not thorough Halachic works on the Seder night, but rather a commentary on the stanzas of the Haggadah and a guideline for the steps of the Seder. For example, many Haggadah’s do not go into the reasons behind the steps of the Seder, or its detailed laws. Certainly, they avoid delving into detailed Halachic questions, such as may one have a drink, or a coffee after Kadesh, or nibble on some food then as well. The vast majority of the detailed Halacha’s and surrounding Halachic questions are lacking from all these Haggadah’s. Wouldn’t it be great then to have a detailed book that focuses on all the actual Halacha’s relating to the Seder, their background and reasons, accompanied with the variety of opinions, customs, and practical Q&A. Wouldn’t this be even more complete if it contained all the Chabad practices as well as detailed nuances followed by the Chabad Rabbeim? And wouldn’t it be even more complete if it contained the story of Pesach from Chumash and Mefarshim, to help you fulfill your Mitzvah of Vehigadeta Lebincha! Well, guess what, its finally here! A 330 page encyclopedic work of all the Halachic details of the Seder and its Mitzvos with hundreds of practical Q&A, in the treasured style of Rabbi Goldstein’s all-encompassing Halachic works. Learn More
  4. The commandment of "Sipur Yetziyas Mitzrayim,"” to recount the miracles of our Exodus from Egypt, is one of the most beloved of mitzvos. What better way can we find to fulfill this command than by telling over stories of courage, emunah, compassion and spiritual heroism?

    And what better person can we find to tell us those stories than Rabbi Paysach Krohn, the famed "American Maggid"?

    In At the Maggid's Seder, we are treated to Rabbi Krohn’s incisive and absorbing comments on the Haggadah. And more: This unique commentary also includes close to 100 (!) stories, told in a way that only Rabbi Paysach Krohn call tell them.

    Why did the lovely silver dish become a symbol of maror, of the bitterness of exile? How did Rav Hutner react at the Seder when a student spilled wine all over the Rosh Yeshivah's kittel? How did a young man's search for truth end up in a beautiful shidduch? In story after story, we see how many of the themes of the Seder play out in our own lives. We gain a better, deeper understanding of slavery and liberation, of faith and devotion.

    In this unique commentary, Rabbi Krohn invites us to enjoy a "virtual Seder" with him. In his own words: "..It is my hope and prayer that the stories and insights in this Haggadah will elevate and enhance your Seder, so that all at your table will take with them an exhilarating feeling of awe, joy, and gratitude ”

    So come and join Rabbi Krohn At the Maggid's Seder, and see how much this Haggadah will enhance and enrich your own Seder as well. Learn More

  5. May an ebay seller set his auction to conclude on Shabbos? May one rent advertising space on his website to others for an entire week, including Shabbos?

    Should a person worry about ayin hara? What are the most effective defenses against ayin hara?

    May one who will be on an airplane for an entire night of Chanukah use a flashlight for ner Chanukah?

    If it is difficult for someone to make it to shul, may he hear krias haTorah or Megillas Esther read over the telephone?


    Rav Zev Smith is a popular maggid shiur and much sought-after speaker on halachic issues who has thousands of recorded shiurim in circulation on a wide range of interesting and relevant, day-to-day topics. His unique blend of halachah and hashkafah, and his knack for explaining difficult concepts in a down-to-earth, practical way, draw both scholars and laymen who seek a thorough grasp of halachah topics. In this fascinating book, he and Rabbi Dovid Kaiser, a previously published author of Torah works as well as a maggid shiur in halachah, have adapted some of the best of Rav Smith's halachah shiurim into written form. Arranged according to the months of the year, What's the Halachah? follows a specific, reader-friendly format. Each chapter begins with a set of intriguing questions on a topic in halachah, which is followed by a broad discussion of the halachic issues the topic involves. The chapter concludes with an application of the information discussed to the initial queries.

    What's the Halachah? is a book that will do more than just teach you halachah; it will open before you the vastness and the beauty of the world of halachah. Learn More

  6. When understood properly, the Jewish holidays are inspirational, joyous, and profound. This monumental book contains nearly a thousand concise insights into all the Torah and Rabbinic festivals, as well as sections on the Days of Awe, the Three Weeks, and Tishah B'Av, compiled by renowned Rosh Kollel and talmid chacham Rabbi Binyamin Wurzburger. The author has drawn from his immense breadth of knowledge to provide the reader with a treasury of original ideas of the great commentators throughout the ages. Extensively sourced, the book is a fascinating and eclectic collection of concepts culled from lesser-known commentaries.With this comprehensive anthology of Yom Tov thoughts - many presented to the English-speaking reader for the first time - both scholars and laymen can indeed celebrate "A Festival of Torah." Learn More
  7. Fascinating halachic discussions for the Yom Tov table

    You love it at your Shabbos table. 
    Now you can enjoy What If? on all the Jewish holidays!

    • It is Rosh Hashanah. A man holding a shofar is going to blow for a sick friend. A car pulls up and the driver says, “I'm Jewish. Would you mind blowing that shofar for me?Should he blow the shofar while yom tov is clearly being desecrated
    • Boaz built a huge succah for his restaurant - and now patrons of other kosher eateries are using it, and his own customers have to wait. Can he ask the others to leave?
    • A pre-Pesach food drive is hurting local groceries. Can the merchants demand that the food distribution be stopped?

    The bestselling and beloved What If? series has become a welcome staple at our Shabbos tables. Based on the popular Hebrew-language series Chashukei Chemed, written by noted rav and posek Rav Yitzchok Zilberstein shlita, and translated and arranged by Rabbi Moshe Sherrow, every volume in the What If? series includes hundreds of real-life halachic questions, each accompanied by a brief, practical scenario to illustrate the case, and an answer that is understandable and easy to follow. Make your holiday table extra-special with the great conversation starter, What If on Yamim Tovim.

    Learn More
  8. Round matzos on Pesach..."Esther kezel” at "Seudas Esther” (on the second day of Pesach)...bagels on Lag B’Omer...cheese blintzes on Shavuos... When it comes to Shabbos, Yom Tov, and special occasions, our menu is set in tradition. But do you know why some serve tongue on the second day of Pesach? Or the reasoning behind the minhag of eating fried kreplach on Shavuos?

    In Seudah Secrets, Rabbi Dovid Meisels, author of the popular Secrets series, shares with us hundreds of customs regarding traditional Jewish foods, as well as the many reasons, all culled from midrashim, Chazal, and the sefarimhakedoshim, for why we eat them. Whether it’s as a segulah for health andparnassah, or to help increase one’s emunah and yiras Shamayim, every food we eat that’s steeped in mesorah provides us with infinite benefit and brachah. The food that we eat can do so much good not only for our bodies, but for our souls, too!

    There’s a treasure trove of blessing waiting for you on your Shabbos or Yom Tov table! With Seudah Secrets as your guide, you are hereby invited to uncover it all. Learn More

  9. Pesach Haggadah: The Answer Is...

    Here's a Hagaddah that makes a Seder interactive... and unforgettable

    We've got the wine, the matzah, the stunning table settings. Now, all that's missing to make the perfect Seder is... questions! Lots of questions!

    Chazal, the Jewish Sages, instructed that the story of the Exodus be told in question-and-answer style, reflecting the wording of the Torah's commandment to relate the story, "And it shall be when your son will ask you"(Shemos 13:14). When a person asks a question, it shows that he is interested in hearing an answer, and he becomes an engaged participant in the discussion.

    The Pesach Hagaddah: The Answer Is... generously fulfills this dictate, with over 1000 answers to more than 300 questions! The Pesach Haggadah: The Answer Is... takes us through every facet of the Seder and the Passover story - the 4 sons, the 10 plagues, the unbelievable miracles of liberation, even the fascinating but puzzling poem Chad Gadya that ends the Seder - by asking questions and offering answers. We see the Exodus through the eyes of luminaries such as Rambam and the Vilna Gaon, Rav Moshe Feinstein and the Belzer Rebbe, and literally hundreds more.

    Take a thoughtful question, give an intelligent and articulate answer, and you've got an interactive, dynamic and spirited experience. Multiply that by hundreds of questions and answers - and you have a Seder you will never forget. Learn More

  10. Chasidic Perspectives, A Festival Anthology
    These forty seven discourses on the Jewish Festivals give an overview of the primary concepts of Chabad Chasidus and address the dynamics of a Jew`s relationship with G-d, community, and himself. A satisfying compendium of profound subjects carefully and clearly elucidated by a master writer and teacher. Learn More

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