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  1. Shabbos Secrets, The Mysteries Revealed

    In what order does one kindle the Shabbos lights? What are the different ways to hold the kiddush cup, and why? What is the significance of the traditional Shabbos foods? What does the "holiness of Shabbos" mean in real life? Questions such as these and hundreds more, abound in this one-of-a-kind book. You will discover the beauty and the inner meaning of our once a week 'day of rest', which is often misconstrued as a day of 'do and don'ts.' 192 color photos of every conceivable type of Shabbos food and custom make this volume a 'must have' as well as a perfect Shabbos gift. A book that has quickly become a classic. Filled with amazing color photos of exotic Shabbos foods and minhagim. Shabbos is filled with fascinating rituals, traditions, and customs that have been practiced throughout the generations. It is through painstaking attention to every detail of these customs that we capture the true spirit of Shabbos. This book will open your eyes to another world, one that we are privileged to visit every week. The essence of Shabbos is here. It is up to us to find it. Learn More

  2. Kol Dodi On The Haftaros

    Maran HaGaon Harav David Feinstein shlit"a is renowned as one of the world's premier authorities in Torah Law. Less well-known is that he has an encyclopedic knowledge of Tanach, and his weekly shiurim on the Parashah attract a wide variety of people anxious to hear his scintillating, original explanations.

    Over the years, Harav Feinstein has explained how the weekly and festival Hafatarahs are related to the Torah readings they accompany. As he writes in his preface, he went on from this endeavor to write a commentary on the Haftarahs themselves. In this brilliant work, the Rosh Yeshivah presents the fruit of his thought and writing.

    There was a tragic period in our ancient history when the notorious King Antiochus, of Chanukah infamy, forbade the Torah reading on Shabbos and Yom Tov. In response, the Sages of Israel chose selections from Nevi'im to be read during the tefillos. When the Torah readings were restored to their proper place, the Sages retained the selections from Nevi'im as the Haftarah, to follow of Kerias HaTorah. Over the course of the year, there are over 70 Haftarahs, which means that knowledge of the Haftarahs will provide an understanding of a significant portion of the Books of the Prophets.

    In this masterpiece, the Rosh Yeshivah introduces each Haftarah, explains its historical context where necessary, shows its relationship to the Parashah, and offers an enlightening commentary in his own unique, original manner. The reader marvels at the clarity and the depth of the insights. At the same time, the content is easily accessible to everyone, regardless of background. This volume will be welcomed wherever there is a thirst for knowledge. It adds an important new dimension to the Shabbos and Yom Tov Torah readings. And it is an unusual opportunity to be welcomed into the mind of one of the great men of our time and "join him" as he explores the teachings of the Nevi'im in the light of Chazal.

    Includes the complete Hebrew text of all the Haftaros with an English translation. Learn More

  3. Laws Regarding Shabbos: Preparations, Prayers, Candle Lighting, Kiddush, Havdalah & Conduct Learn More
  4. This highly praised and comprehensive book on the laws of Shabbos is designed for daily learning.

    With its unique, easy-to-understand format, thousands of day-to-day practical examples, and user-friendly index, this book will be an indispensable reference for anyone who wants to study and know the laws of Shabbos… In just 3 minutes a day!


    "The most practical laws of Shabbos are presented in an easy format and language, and this will certainly bring great benefit to those who wish to grow."

    Rav Moshe Sternbuch, Ra'avad of Jerusalem

    "It has been written with great clarity and in a way that will benefit many people."

    Rav Shraga Feivel Zimmerman, Rov of Gateshead

    "Learn Shabbos in Just Three Minutes a Day is an ideal way to master the intricate laws of Shabbos without that much effort."

    Rav Yitzchak Berkowits, Rosh Kollel

    "Rabbi Braude has provided a truly valuable source for one to learn the laws of Shabbos in a very effective and clear manner.

    Rav Zev Leff Learn More

  5. Shabbat deLights is a collection of essays on the Torah portion by acclaimed author, editor and teacher, Chana Weisberg.

    Delight each week in concise and impactful essays rooted in Biblicaltext and chasidic thought, providing practical, empowering toold for dealing with contemporary life's most pressing challenges.

    From parenting and relationships to the wondrous power of the Jewish soul, to refining our interaction with G-d, the inspiration and insights in these volumes will enable you to reach ever higher in every aspect of your life. Learn More

  6. In THE MYSTERY OF SHABBOS, Rav Pinson delves into the transformative power of Shabbos.

    With an all-encompassing perspective that ranges from the literal, Pshat observation and Halachic implications of the texts, to the allegorical, the philosophical, and finally, to the deeper secrets as revealed by Kabbalah and Chassidus, creating an elegant tapestry of thought and experience.

    THE MYSTERY OF SHABBOS is a profound meditation on the meaning of Shabbos and demonstrates the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual possibilities available and given to us with the gift of Shabbos.

    Studying and contemplating this inspired text on the depths of Shabbos will unveil a redemptive light in your experience of the Seventh Day -- and by extension, every day of your life. Learn More

  7. Shabbos and the Jewish holidays are so much fun ... when we learn all about them with Bina, Benny, and Chaggai HaYonah, the amazing holiday dove!

    Thousands upon thousands of children learned all about the Jewish holidays from Yaffa Ganz’s classic and much-beloved ArtScroll Children’s Holiday Series. Now, a new generation can discover the delights of Shabbos and the yamim tovim, as they enjoy the kid-friendly text and engaging illustrations. Take your children (grandchildren too!) on a wonderful journey through the Jewish calendar. They’ll never forget it!

    The Big Book of Jewish Holidays with Bina, Benny and Chaggai HaYonah features stories, traditions, laws and fascinating facts about:

    • Rosh HaShanah
    • Yom Kippur
    • Succos
    • Chanukah
    • Purim
    • Pesach
    • Shavuos
    • Tisha B’Av – the Four Fasts
    • Lag Ba’Omer and Tu BiShvat
    • And, of course, Shabbos!

    Here is everything children need to make the entire year a happy and exciting one! Learn More
  8. Shamor V'zachor Illuminated, A Comprehensive Guide to the 39 Melachos
    While there exists a plethora of sefarim on hilchos Shabbos, never before has the topic been covered in such a comprehensive yet simplified manner. In Shamor V'zachor, veteran mechanech Rabbi Reuven Levine takes readers-both tweens/teens and adults-by the hand and walks them through each melachah, from A to Z.

    First the background to each melachah is given-how and why it was performed for the Mishkan, and then the practical applications-the various ways the melachah is relevant nowadays-are explained. Each concept is fully illustrated, and the text is color-coded in a way that enhances the reader's understanding and retention of the material. Also included is a "test yourself" section, which quizzes readers on what the halachah is in various situations, based on the information they've been given.

    Ideal for family learning, this illustrated guide to the 39 melachos will fast become a favorite at your Shabbos table! Learn More

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