
  1. RETURN is a sefer, not a book. It presents an in-depth understanding of the mitzvos and tefillos of Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur and Sukkos, in a new light.

    THIS LIGHT, the light from the ohr ha’ganuz (the hidden light) was originally revealed in the sifrei Maharal. After centuries of neglect, it was rekindled for the Torah world by the appearance of the famous maamarim of Hagaon Harav Yitzchak Hutner, zt”l, and recorded in his sefarim, Pachad Yitzchak.

    “He was planted in this generation to bring light to the world and all who dwell in it - a new light”

    (From the inscription on his tombstone)

    A commentary to enlighten the hearts of the probers of Torah. The spirit of Rav Hutner is evident.

    Rav Moshe Shternbuch

    He has plumbed the depths of the deep waters of Torah, and drawn its secrets, with acumen and richness.

    Rav Aaron Schechter

    I sensed the aroma of the perfume shop of my father-in-law’s Torah, transmitted with sweetness and wisdom.

    Rav Yonasan David

    His very being is suffused to the source - the well of pure waters, the Torah of Rav Yitzchock Hutner.
    Rav Alster himself has become a well of pure waters.

    Rav Moshe Shapiro Learn More

  2. I was totally mesmerized by this outstanding, extraordinary original and creative analysis of the role the Shalosh Regalim play in representing the most fundamental elements of Jewish faith. In this work, which is organized, compelling, and full of deep wisdom, Rabbi Neil Lauer combines highly rigorous halakhic analysis with deeply thoughtful homiletical insights in a most seamless and clearly presented way. He extracts great wisdom hitherto hidden in plain sight on these important celebrations as well as on a multitude of other Jewish concepts and practices. Over and over again I found myself saying, “I knew this source, but never realized its true full meaning and significance. Of course, now it is obvious.” We owe Rabbi Lauer a great debt for the exceptional gift he has given us. Your understanding and appreciation of the Shalosh Regalim, like mine, will never be the same again.

    Rabbi Jacob J. Schacter

    Eye opening insights that will benefit scholar and layman alike. Will most certainly enhance the spiritual pleasure of the hagim.

    Rabbi Eli Mansour

    A refreshing and unique viewpoint. For those looking for a deep and penetrative fresh look at the Jewish holidays, enjoy The Tripod!

    Rabbi Shalom Rosner

    Neil (Nachman) Lauer received rabbinic ordination from RIETS, an MA in medieval Jewish philosophy from the Bernard Revel Graduate School, and an MS in secondary Jewish education from the Azrieli Graduate School. He commutes every workday between his home in Teaneck, New Jersey, and his suspender factory in Brooklyn, New York. Learn More

  3. May an ebay seller set his auction to conclude on Shabbos? May one rent advertising space on his website to others for an entire week, including Shabbos?

    Should a person worry about ayin hara? What are the most effective defenses against ayin hara?

    May one who will be on an airplane for an entire night of Chanukah use a flashlight for ner Chanukah?

    If it is difficult for someone to make it to shul, may he hear krias haTorah or Megillas Esther read over the telephone?


    Rav Zev Smith is a popular maggid shiur and much sought-after speaker on halachic issues who has thousands of recorded shiurim in circulation on a wide range of interesting and relevant, day-to-day topics. His unique blend of halachah and hashkafah, and his knack for explaining difficult concepts in a down-to-earth, practical way, draw both scholars and laymen who seek a thorough grasp of halachah topics. In this fascinating book, he and Rabbi Dovid Kaiser, a previously published author of Torah works as well as a maggid shiur in halachah, have adapted some of the best of Rav Smith's halachah shiurim into written form. Arranged according to the months of the year, What's the Halachah? follows a specific, reader-friendly format. Each chapter begins with a set of intriguing questions on a topic in halachah, which is followed by a broad discussion of the halachic issues the topic involves. The chapter concludes with an application of the information discussed to the initial queries.

    What's the Halachah? is a book that will do more than just teach you halachah; it will open before you the vastness and the beauty of the world of halachah. Learn More

  4. Dear Children, Many years ago, when the Beis Hamikdash was standing, there was a great celebration in Yerushalayim. It was called the simchas beis hasho’evah. The joy then was so great that Chazal teach us that anyone who did not see the simchas beis hasho’evah – never saw true joy in his life! Perhaps you want to reply that today there are also simchas beis hasho’evah celebrations in almost every shul, and you’ve participated in many such events…But truth be told, the simcha that we have today is not the same – it’s only a commemoration of the real simchas beis hasho’evah, which took place in the Beis Hamikdash and from which people drew purity and ruach hakodesh, and were uplifted for the entire year! Halevai, we should merit to see that wondrous simchas beis hasho’evah even once! Halevai we should merit it speedily in our days, in the third Beis Hamikdash that will come down from the Heavens in fire! But in the meantime, let us try to imagine how the simchah would look, and how preparations for the entire Yom Tov of Sukkos would take place in Yerushalayim, if the Beis Hamikdash were standing today… This book can help a little bit to illustrate this wonderful scene, to try and help us feel a bit of the atmosphere of the true, tangible simchah that was apparent in every corner of the holy city. Perhaps, if we truly understand the magnitude of the loss, we will know how to daven properly before our Father in Heaven to return the Beis Hamikdash and the Holy City to us, speedily in our days. And who knows? Perhaps this year, we will merit celebrating Sukkos in the newly rebuilt Beis Hamikdash!!! Learn More
  5. As in Hilchos Shabbos, in Hilchos Yom Tov we have followed the "derech kitzora" (path of brevity), and have concentrated primarily on acquainting the reader with the main principles of the laws of Yom Tov. In addition, we have presented a number of practical applications. Thus, one will be equipped to ask one's Rav for further guidance after studying this sefer.

    In Hilchos Shabbos we organized the sefer in accordance with the sequence used by the Chayei Adam in his sefer Zichru Toras Moshe. Likewise, in Hilchos Yom Tov as well, we have organized the sefer according to the arrangement of the Chayei Adam, which follows the order of the thirty-nine Melachos. Thus, each chapter in this sefer parallels the corresponding chapter in Kitzur Hilchos Shabbos.

    The advantage to this system is that one who has already studied the laws of Shabbos from our sefer can now easily find the halachos of Yom Tov relevant to that subject in the same chapter as that topic is discussed in Hilchos Shabbos. Moreover, within each chapter, one can frequently follow the order of the numbers assigned to each subtopic, and thereby see how the halacha in regard to Yom Tov differs from Shabbos. Learn More

  6. “Tishrei in Lubavitch” walks the reader through a Tishrei with the Rebbe through over 200 masterfully curated photos, accompanied by insightful captions and commentaries.

    Words have the power to inspire the imagination, but an image can bring something to life.

    Those who merited to experience the holidays of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot and Simchat Torah with the Rebbe – chasidim, and those from across the Jewish spectrum; young and old – found themselves invigorated and renewed. In similar vein, the album’s captions, narratives and quotes from the Rebbe and the Tishrei prayers, are designed to engage and inform – as well as to inspire and uplift, individuals from across the Jewish community.

    Whether one is able to “relive their memories,” or enjoy a first taste of the special meaning with which the Rebbe imbued the holidays, “Tishrei in Lubavitch” enables one to experience the solemn, the joyous, the uplifting and the unforgettable moment of the month of festivals in the Rebbe’s presence.

    Selected from the best photos of Levi Y. Freidin, Yossi Melamed and other photographers between the years 5740 and 5745 (1979-1984). Learn More

  7. The Mysteries Revealed Learn More

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