A Guide for Jewish Parents and Educators
As a small child, I would climb up on the furniture to reach things, and I usually chose pieces of furniture that weren't very steady. A lot of expensive things in our house got lost after I got interested in them... My mother says she sighed with relief when I started going to preschool. Finally she had a few hours of peace and quiet..."
(From "Dan's Story")
"I remember myself as a lively girl, with talents in many areas... but when I started first grade, certain things began to be hard for me... I didn't understand what the teacher was saying. Somehow the words just didn't go into my ears. I never seemed to have hte right books and notebooks in my backpack... I would come home feeling sad..."
(From "Naomi's Story")
The role played by parents and teachers is so critical for a child's wellbeing. Obviously, in order to fulfill their role, they must be equipped with basic knowledge of ADHD and what they can do to help the child even before professional intervention enters the picture.
Avraham Kelberman's book supplies the knowledge parents and teachers need precisely at this critical point. It enables them to provide safe containment for the child's feelings and to support him all the way.
(Avraham Biskin, M.S.W., psychotherapist and clinical social worker)