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  1. Deluxe Leather Bound Rebbe's Haggadah Learn More
  2. Leather Haggadah -Hebrew/English Gutnick Edition (Chabad) Learn More
  3. Leather Bound H/E Haggadah -The Kehot Marcus Edition Learn More
  4. Haggadah for Pesach, Hebrew Annotated

    Each part of the Seder is illuminated with clear, step-by-step instructions, which guide the participant through the often-times complicated order of the Seder night.

    Printed in crisp, clear type, with a splash-proof cover.

    Great for family and communal Sedarim. Learn More

  5. Pesach Haggadah: The Answer Is...

    Here's a Hagaddah that makes a Seder interactive... and unforgettable

    We've got the wine, the matzah, the stunning table settings. Now, all that's missing to make the perfect Seder is... questions! Lots of questions!

    Chazal, the Jewish Sages, instructed that the story of the Exodus be told in question-and-answer style, reflecting the wording of the Torah's commandment to relate the story, "And it shall be when your son will ask you"(Shemos 13:14). When a person asks a question, it shows that he is interested in hearing an answer, and he becomes an engaged participant in the discussion.

    The Pesach Hagaddah: The Answer Is... generously fulfills this dictate, with over 1000 answers to more than 300 questions! The Pesach Haggadah: The Answer Is... takes us through every facet of the Seder and the Passover story - the 4 sons, the 10 plagues, the unbelievable miracles of liberation, even the fascinating but puzzling poem Chad Gadya that ends the Seder - by asking questions and offering answers. We see the Exodus through the eyes of luminaries such as Rambam and the Vilna Gaon, Rav Moshe Feinstein and the Belzer Rebbe, and literally hundreds more.

    Take a thoughtful question, give an intelligent and articulate answer, and you've got an interactive, dynamic and spirited experience. Multiply that by hundreds of questions and answers - and you have a Seder you will never forget. Learn More

  6. The Essential Feldheim Haggadah is just that – an elegant, basic haggadah for the whole family. Easy to use, handy, with large, clear type and printed on water-resistant chrome paper, it is the perfect haggadah for any group setting. Side-by-side English translation and full instructions include everything from bi’ur chametz to Shir HaShirim. The beautiful unique layout and slim, stay-open format will fit right on your Seder table as it perpetuates our glorious tradition. Learn More
  7. With Commentary from the Classic Commentators, Midrash, Kabbalah, the Chasidic Masters and the Haggadah of the Lubavitcher Rebbe Learn More
  8. Did you know there is a custom to individually wrap each of the three matzos at the Pesach Seder? And that there are specific kavanos one should have in mind when fulfilling the exalted mitzvah of eating matzah? Did you know that while some use celery for Karpas, others use radishes, potatoes, or onions, and still others dip celery together with potatoes into the saltwater?

    Although every Jewish holiday is steeped in tradition, when it comes to the hallowed Pesach Seder, the amount of different customs that abound for each and every part, as well as the reasoning behind them, is mind-boggling! And all of it is there to serve one fundamental purpose: elevating what we do and what we eat on this holy night to a most sublime experience.

    In Seudah Secrets on the Seder, Rabbi Dovid Meisels, author of the popular Secrets series, shares with us hundreds of customs relating to the Pesach Seder, as well as the many explanations for why and how they are done. As always, Rabbi Meisels culls his material from midrashim, Chazal, and the sefarim hakedoshim. Learn More

  9.  Haggadah Heichal Menachem - Leatherette

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