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  1. Religion/Judaism/Kabbalah & Mysticism "Prepare to meet your G-d. because you'll find Him in this book." Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi (1745-1812), founder of the intellectual branch of Chassidism-Chabadis credited with bringing the deepest secrets of Jewish mysticism and Kabbalah "down to earth," so they could be read and understo by even the average person. He broke the paradigm: it was no longer, first yourself spiritually, then you will be fit to study this"; now it was, "study this it will help you to perfect yourself spiritually." The worldwide spread of Chabad appealing to people of all backgrounds, and in every conceivable culture in the centuries since bears elegant testimony to the power of these ideas to tap the very Jewish soul. And yet, written in scholarly Hebrew, these keys to the essential core of Judaism were locked away, untranslated, for almost 200 years. In this series, Rabbi Yitzchok Wagshul, a master teacher, does not merely translate the original material, he clearly explains it in friendly, articulate English for scholar and lay person alike. No background in Jewish knowledge is required; just a willingness to think. If Rabbi Schneur Zalman were teaching today, this book is what he might well say. You will finally understand: • Why is there a Written Torah and an Oral Torah? • From Pentateuch to Prophets to today: Revelation of Torah over time • How to serve G-d by eating • How physical objects can be used for spiritual mitzvos • How to avoid self-delusion and cultivate authentic love and fear of G-d • Symbolism of the cherubs atop the Holy Ark • How brain anatomy reflects spiritual concepts • The love of G-d common to all Jews • What is the "neshamah yeseirah"Learn More
  2. Lightpoints is a collection of uplifting, authentic and concise insights from the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe on the Torah. These meticulously selected insights, many adapted here into English for the first time, were originally published indivually each weekday in print and email, and enthusiastically received by thousands of people from all segments of the international Jewish community.

    This collection aims to provide the English-speaking community with a taste of the Rebbe's vast contributions to Jewish scholarship. Some Lightpoints focus more on the Torah and its commentaries; others highlight the relevance of the Torah's lessons in our day and age. As their name indicates, the Lightpoints are intended to be short and easy to read, but more importantly, they are points of light to illuminate our perspective on the Torah, and direct us along the Torah's path of truth and holiness that guides our lives. Learn More

  3. Today, more than ever, we need values.

    We need wisdom and life lessons and ethical teachings.

    Today, more than ever, we need Pirkei Avos.

    Pirkei Avos, the Ethics of our Fathers, is the tractate in Mishnah that has helped build untold generations of "mentchen," of fine, balanced, humble and caring Jews. In this fascinating commentary, Rabbi Nosson Muller, menahel of Yeshivas Tiferes Tzvi/Joan Dachs Bais Yaakov in Chicago, author of The Generation to Generation Haggadah, and a much-respected mechanech and public speaker, shows us how to tap into the incredible transformative power of Pirkei Avos to enhance and improve our lives, and the lives of our children.

    Rabbi Muller draws upon a large and varied range of sources and stories to bring the wisdom of our Sages into a contemporary focus. He shows us how the words of Pirkei Avos, and the insights of the many commentaries that have been written on it, are amazingly relevant to today's challenges. We see how what can seem to be simple, common sense advice is filled with profound understanding of our humanity --- and of our mission in this world. And we gain vital perspectives on chinuch in an increasingly complex environment.

    Even if you have learned Maseches Avos many times, Pirkei Avos: Generation to Generation will unlock the vast treasures waiting to be discovered in the eternally relevant words of our Sages. Learn More

  4. Avos deRabbi Nassan, The ancient baraisa that illuminates the teachings of Pirkei Avos
    Avos DeRabbi Nassan

    The teachings of Pirkei Avos through the eyes of the Tannaim

    Pirkei Avos is one of the most fascinating and widely studied mishnayos, and Avos DeRabbi Nassan - the ancient baraisa that appears among the Masechtos Ketanos, the Minor Tractates, in the classic Vilna Shas - adds even more depth, color, stories and parables to Avos, as taught by the Tannaim themselves.

    Now, this enlightening classic is presented as never before:

    Full text of Avos DeRabbi Nassan, with translation and elucidation

    An extensive commentary culled from Rishonim and Acharonim down to today

    The full text of Pirkei Avos with references to where Avos DeRabbi Nassan discusses a particular teaching or a related concept.

    Avos DeRabbi Nassan gives us a fascinating and important look into the wisdom of the Tannaim, and this edition is a handy volume that will greatly enhance the weekly study of Pirkei Avos.

    Finally, this vital but often-neglected part of Torah has become more accessible than ever. Learn More

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